

Dollars and Data 2021

Dollars and Data 2021

If Colorado is to have a substantive public discourse about how to improve educational outcomes, there needs to be a common understanding of how K-12 public education is funded in the state. This study analyzes statewide and regional trends in K-12 revenues and spending over the past decade to help ground conversations in facts.

Trying to Fix a Broken Education Finance System

Trying to Fix a Broken Education Finance System

The current education funding system is laden with problems and inefficiencies that hinder schools from functioning at their highest levels. Increasing revenues without addressing the severe flaws in how the state allocates those revenues, as HB21-1164 does, is a missed opportunity to improve student outcomes.

The Price of Higher Education in Colorado

The Price of Higher Education in Colorado

The costs for Colorado residents to obtain a degree at a university or college within the state is only getting more expensive, as tuition and fees have far outpaced inflation and most other consumer items.