

Common Sense Institute (CSI) strives to develop insightful and educational research on the most critical debates facing Colorado. CSI employs rigorous research techniques and dynamic modeling to evaluate the potential impact of issues on the Colorado economy and individual opportunity. CSI provides elected officials, policy makers and Coloradans with facts and data-driven analysis to help make informed decisions about the biggest issues facing the state. CSI research has also sparked innovative policy solutions and bipartisan, solutions-based discussion about the future of Colorado.

The Common Sense Digest
Colorado Budget: Then and Now

Colorado Budget: Then and Now

Colorado Budget Then and Now illuminates the changes in Colorado state budget appropriations over the last twenty years. The figures included in the report provide a summary overview of revenue allocated to state departments through the budgeting process. The trends in appropriations reflect the shifting priorities brought on as a direct result of the laws and budgets passed each legislative session.


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Economic Recovery in the Wake of COVID-19 featuring Heidi Ganahl and Dan Nordberg

Is Colorado's Budget Ready for a Recession?

April 20, 2020 • < 1 min read

This episode of Common Sense Digest shares the latest facts and figures concerning the continuing economic impact of COVID-19.

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4.17 When and How to Reopen the State’s Economy

April 17, 2020 • < 1 min read

This past Wednesday April 15th, Governor Polis announced broad principles that are guiding the decision on when and how to reopen the state’s economy. During his remarks he said, “As we reopen our state, we know that things will work differently than they did before, and we must enshrine social distancing in the way we […]

4.16 Weekly Unemployment Insurance Claims Update

April 16, 2020 • < 1 min read

Earlier today, the new weekly unemployment insurance claims for the week ending April 11th were released. Colorado saw a record setting 105,000 new claims, surpassing the weekly record of just two weeks ago. This brings the total portion of the Colorado labor force that has filed for unemployment insurance to 7.5%. Featured in our report […]

Is Colorado’s Budget Ready for a Recession?

Is Colorado's Budget Ready for a Recession?

April 15, 2020 • 19 min read

Colorado’s Revenue Outlook Has Rapidly Changed from Record Highs to a Potential $3 Billion Shortfall.

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4.13 Updates on the Outlook of State Finances

April 13, 2020 • 2 min read

Recent statement by the Colorado Speaker of the House K.C. Becker and a presentation developed by the Colorado Governor’s Office of State Planning and Budget paint a stark picture for the outlook of state finances.  They suggest that between $2B to $3.2 billion will have to be cut from the currently outlined FY 21 budget. […]

4.8 What’s at the intersection of economic modeling and epidemiological modeling?

April 8, 2020 • < 1 min read

What’s at the intersection of economic modeling and epidemiological modeling? Hopefully, the answers to what most of us are asking. How bad will this crisis get and when will the economy reopen? Recently, Governor Polis and Colorado public health officials addresses these questions. While nobody knows for sure, the latest modeling indicates that Colorado has either already reached its peak number of new cases, or it will come within the next few weeks.

4.2 Unprecedented News in Legislation and Unemployment Numbers

April 2, 2020 • < 1 min read

The last 24 hours have brought about more unprecedented news.  Yesterday’s ruling by the state supreme court in a 4-3 decision, means that lawmakers will be allowed to resume the 2020 legislative session and retain the remaining 53 days on the calendar.  You can read the story here. https://coloradosun.com/2020/04/01/colorado-supreme-court-legislature-120-days/ And earlier today, we learned that […]

4.1 CU Leeds School of Business Quarterly Survey

April 1, 2020 • < 1 min read

CU Leeds School of Business just released their quarterly survey of over 400 Colorado business leaders.  While the confidence index dropped to the lowest level in the 17-year history of the survey, there may be indications it will rebound more quickly than in years past. “There is optimism that the worst of the impact will […]

3.31 AEI’s National coronavirus response: A road map to reopening

March 31, 2020 • < 1 min read

Over the weekend, AEI Resident Fellow, Scott Gottlieb, released National coronavirus response: A road map to reopening, which can be found at www.RoadMaptoReopening.com.  It is a detailed and thoughtful plan for how to combat the current crisis, while protecting the American way of life. It offers thoughts and strategies on how to transition between population […]

COVID-19 in Colorado Featuring Rep. Colin Larson and Chris Brown


March 30, 2020 • < 1 min read

In this episode of the Common Sense Digest, our Chairman Earl Wright leads a discussion about the topic at the forefront of our collective consciousness: COVID-19.

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