

Common Sense Institute (CSI) strives to develop insightful and educational research on the most critical debates facing Colorado. CSI employs rigorous research techniques and dynamic modeling to evaluate the potential impact of issues on the Colorado economy and individual opportunity. CSI provides elected officials, policy makers and Coloradans with facts and data-driven analysis to help make informed decisions about the biggest issues facing the state. CSI research has also sparked innovative policy solutions and bipartisan, solutions-based discussion about the future of Colorado.

The Common Sense Digest
Colorado Budget: Then and Now

Colorado Budget: Then and Now

Colorado Budget Then and Now illuminates the changes in Colorado state budget appropriations over the last twenty years. The figures included in the report provide a summary overview of revenue allocated to state departments through the budgeting process. The trends in appropriations reflect the shifting priorities brought on as a direct result of the laws and budgets passed each legislative session.


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The COVID Slide – The Impact of COVID-19 on Education featuring Luke Ragland and Brenda Bausch-Dickhoner

Putting Students First: Strategies to ¬Mitigate the COVID Slide

May 20, 2020 • < 1 min read

Our Common Sense Digest guests unpack the problems and offer possible solutions to the issues that will confront all Colorado students mere months from now.

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The Economic Impacts of Oil and Gas Setback Ballot Measures in Colorado: A Historical Review

The Economic Impacts of Oil and Gas Setback Ballot Measures in Colorado: A Historical Review

17 min read

This report examines the projections of past oil and gas setback studies and how they can be applied to future analysis in response to 2020 ballot measures.

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5.12 Updated Forecast for Colorado’s State Economy and Budget Outlook

May 12, 2020 • 2 min read

Earlier today, both the Colorado Legislative Council Staff (LCS) and the Governor’s Office of State Planning and Budget (OSPB) released an updated forecast for the state’s economy and budget outlook. You can view the CO Leg Council Staff report and presentation slides here – https://leg.colorado.gov/publications/forecast-update-may-2020 You can view the OSPB report and presentation slides here […]

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5.11 Transitioning to Safer-at-Home Guidelines

May 11, 2020 • 2 min read

As all counties in Colorado have now progressed from stay-at-home orders to safer-at-home  guidelines, two questions are front of mind. Will there be another increase in cases of COVID-19 that again threatens to overwhelm our health care system? And how much of the economy will re-open? Answers to both questions remain unclear, yet over the […]


The Colorado Option Plan: Modeling the Impacts of Government Price Controls in Health Care

The Colorado Option Plan: Modeling the Impacts of Government Price Controls in Health Care

May 7, 2020 • 33 min read

In this study, we explore how the introduction of a new government-controlled health plan would impact the state’s healthcare system and the overall state economy.

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4.29 Even in the Midst of Crisis, Legislators Would be Wise to Consider the Long-Run

April 29, 2020 • < 1 min read

Last week lawmakers in Illinois wrote a letter requesting a $41 Billion federal bailout to help shore up their state budget woes. Roughly ¼ of that request, or $10 Billion, was to go directly to the state pensions fund. For years, Illinois has suffered from declining pension solvency as they routinely under contributed funds to […]

Putting Students First: Strategies to Mitigate the COVID Slide

Putting Students First: Strategies to ¬Mitigate the COVID Slide

April 28, 2020 • 4 min read

Experts are urging state officials and policymakers to start planning now to reduce the effects of the COVID Slide.

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4.27 The Increase in PERA’s Unfunded Liabilities Due to COVID-19 Are Likely Bigger than the Reductions in the State Budget

April 27, 2020 • < 1 min read

Newly released modeling from the Reason Foundation indicates that if PERA experiences a -10% annual return on their investment portfolio, it would add $7 Billion to its current $30 Billion unfunded liability. To pay off this increase in the unfunded liabilities, a combination of contribution increases and/or benefit cuts will be needed to put PERA […]

4.23 Weekly Unemployment Insurance Claims Update

April 23, 2020 • < 1 min read

New claims for unemployment insurance in Colorado continued to climb for the 5th straight week. 67,334 new claims were made during the week ending April 18, bringing the 5-week total of new claims to 298,944. However, the weekly claims were down from over 104,000 the week prior. While this may represent a slowing rate of […]

4.21 Reopening the State’s Economy Amidst COVID-19

April 21, 2020 • 2 min read

On Monday April 20, Governor Polis held a press conference to discuss several of his recent executive actions and the new policy guidelines Coloradans can expect for living with COVID-19. Executive Actions 1. The Governor shared his approach reopening the state in May and moving into the next phase of living with COVID-19. The Governor […]

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