

Common Sense Institute (CSI) strives to develop insightful and educational research on the most critical debates facing Colorado. CSI employs rigorous research techniques and dynamic modeling to evaluate the potential impact of issues on the Colorado economy and individual opportunity. CSI provides elected officials, policy makers and Coloradans with facts and data-driven analysis to help make informed decisions about the biggest issues facing the state. CSI research has also sparked innovative policy solutions and bipartisan, solutions-based discussion about the future of Colorado.

The Common Sense Digest
Colorado Budget: Then and Now

Colorado Budget: Then and Now

Colorado Budget Then and Now illuminates the changes in Colorado state budget appropriations over the last twenty years. The figures included in the report provide a summary overview of revenue allocated to state departments through the budgeting process. The trends in appropriations reflect the shifting priorities brought on as a direct result of the laws and budgets passed each legislative session.


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The Growing Strain on the Child Care Business Model

The Growing Strain on the Child Care Business Model

July 19, 2022 • 38 min read

The lack of supply of child care slots and the inaccessibility to affordable child care is a significant issue for Colorado.

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The Uncertain Future Cost of Colorado’s Energy Infrastructure and Housing Affordability

The Uncertain Future Cost of Colorado’s Energy Infrastructure and Housing Affordability

June 20, 2022 • 19 min read

Housing affordability remains a top issue facing Coloradans. With rising inflation, supply chain disruptions, workforce shortages, and complex land-use regulations, the outlook for housing development in the state looks bleak.

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The Rising Cost of Living: Inflation, Housing, Health Care, Affordability, and Crime

< 1 min read

Inflation, housing affordability, health care costs, crime, & new regulations, fees and taxes the last several years could jeopardize Colorado’s economic vitality and individual opportunity.

Colorado Jobs and Labor Force Update: May 2022

June 17, 2022 • 3 min read

Colorado’s robust economy has added 405,400 jobs since April 2020, eclipsing the 374,500 jobs the state lost in March and April 2020. This represents a recovery rate of 109.6 percent which is 13.3 percentage points higher than the nationwide recovery rate of 96.3%.

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Inflation in Colorado: May 2022 Update

June 10, 2022 • 2 min read

Inflation in the Denver metropolitan area continues to run hot, particularly for housing. Overall price levels increased 3.4% between January and May and 8.3% over the last 12 months.

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Colorado Jobs and Labor Force Update: April 2022

May 20, 2022 • 3 min read

Colorado’s robust economy has added 405,400 jobs since April 2020, eclipsing the 374,500 jobs the state lost in March and April 2020. This represents a recovery rate of 108.3 percent which is 13.3 percentage points higher than the nationwide recovery rate of 95%. Colorado added 14,600 jobs in April and March’s employment level was revised downwards by 500.

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Inflation and the Colorado Option Plan

May 18, 2022 • 6 min read

The Colorado Option, signed into law in 2021, is a state-regulated health insurance program which requires carriers to offer “standardized plans” within the individual and small-group markets at reduced prices.

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Colorado’s 2022 Legislative Session and Free Enterprise

Colorado’s 2022 Legislative Session and Free Enterprise

May 12, 2022 • 12 min read

This year, Colorado’s Congress introduced over 650 bills to address issues, prepare for the upcoming election, and dictate the future of Colorado policy.

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Bill Spotlight: SB22-234 Unemployment Compensation

May 2, 2022 • 2 min read

Due to the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic and the state government’s policy responses, Colorado’s unemployment levels spiked in early 2020 and caused the state’s Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund to become deeply insolvent. Now, the Trust Fund is projected to remain insolvent until the 2024 fiscal year.

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Bill Spotlight: HB22-1029 Compensatory Direct Distribution to Public Employees’ Retirement Association

2 min read

PERA’s current unfunded liability is $31 billion. This is one indicator of PERA’s funding status as it measures the difference between projected benefit demands, and the assets (current fund balance + future expected returns) that have been collected to cover those benefits.

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