
Housing & Our Community

Housing Mismatch: Mortgage Capacity vs Home Prices

Housing Mismatch: Mortgage Capacity vs Home Prices

In 2010, Colorado was ranked 20th in the nation for the size of the mismatch between household mortgage capacity and the value of owner-occupied housing. Colorado’s ranking rose to 11th highest, tied with California.

Colorado’s Fentanyl Problem and the Economic Costs

Colorado’s Fentanyl Problem and the Economic Costs

The total cost of fentanyl-related overdose deaths in Colorado is estimated to be $16 billion in 2023. This is over ten times the cost of fentanyl overdose from 2017, $1.3 billion. That $16 billion is 3% of the state’s GDP in 2023.

The Ongoing Costs of Denver Migrants

The Ongoing Costs of Denver Migrants

The total cost to Denver metro schools related to new migrant students is $98 million to $222 million, which would equate to 1-2% of the total state K-12 education budget for the 2024-25 academic year.

Colorado Public Safety Competitiveness Index

Colorado Public Safety Competitiveness Index

Colorado’s Public Safety Competitiveness Index has decreased 2.2% from 2011 to 2023. Coincidentally, Colorado’s relative ranking decreased seven spots from 24th to 31st among states and Washington, D.C.

Colorado Springs Housing Affordability Report 2024

Colorado Springs Housing Affordability Report 2024

The housing deficit in 2023 is in the range of 16,554 to 27,360 units. To meet population growth by 2028 and close the housing deficit, between 32,000 and 43,000 housing units will need to be built.

Colorado Housing Competitiveness Index

Colorado Housing Competitiveness Index

Colorado’s housing affordability gap widens! Since 2011, it now takes over double the hours to afford the average mortgage, outpacing wage growth.

The Metro-Wide Accumulated Costs of Migrants

The Metro-Wide Accumulated Costs of Migrants

As of March 18, just under 1,400 migrants were staying in Denver shelters, down from a height of 5,210 in January. Occupancy of city shelters has not been this low since late September 2023.

The Accumulated Costs of Denver Migrants

The Accumulated Costs of Denver Migrants

Denver and its institutions have already spent between $78 million and $100 million on the migrant situation, according to CSI’s most recent dive into the published numbers.