

Common Sense Institute (CSI) strives to develop insightful and educational research on the most critical debates facing Colorado. CSI employs rigorous research techniques and dynamic modeling to evaluate the potential impact of issues on the Colorado economy and individual opportunity. CSI provides elected officials, policy makers and Coloradans with facts and data-driven analysis to help make informed decisions about the biggest issues facing the state. CSI research has also sparked innovative policy solutions and bipartisan, solutions-based discussion about the future of Colorado.

The Common Sense Digest
Colorado Budget: Then and Now

Colorado Budget: Then and Now

Colorado Budget Then and Now illuminates the changes in Colorado state budget appropriations over the last twenty years. The figures included in the report provide a summary overview of revenue allocated to state departments through the budgeting process. The trends in appropriations reflect the shifting priorities brought on as a direct result of the laws and budgets passed each legislative session.


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Found 312 Results
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A Citizen’s Guide to Aurora’s Most Pressing Issues

October 17, 2023 • 4 min read

The latest facts on homelessness, housing and crime in Aurora so that voters can have the latest information ahead of going to vote.

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Spotlight on Crime in Aurora, CO.

16 min read

This report analyzes the current state of Aurora crime and crime rates using Colorado Crime Stats and stats reported by the Aurora Police Dept.

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Aurora, CO. Housing Affordability Report

10 min read

This report analyzes affordability trends and estimates whether there is a deficit or surplus in housing units in Aurora Colorado.

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Aurora Homelessness Report

5 min read

Aurora, though it contains a relatively low concentration of homelessness, has emerged as a focal point of Colorado’s homelessness problem.

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Dollars and Data: Colorado Education Data and Trends

Dollars and Data: Colorado Education Data and Trends

October 16, 2023 • 10 min read

This report summarizes CDE financial data and shows key trends in how education funding and spending has changed over time.

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Proposition HH Issue Brief: Education

October 12, 2023 • 7 min read

Proposition HH provides billions of dollars to education yet is not accompanied by guidelines, guardrails or metrics related to student performance.

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Proposition HH Puts TABOR Refunds at Risk

Proposition HH Puts TABOR Refunds at Risk

October 9, 2023 • < 1 min read

Proposition HH would alter major provisions of TABOR, by both increasing the state’s annual spending limit, and by removing the need for voter approval to make it permanent.

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Dollars and Data: Colorado Springs Education Funding and Achievement

October 3, 2023 • 19 min read

There must be an emphasis on improving both school quality and access across all districts since they represent such variety.

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The She-cession is Over, but What’s Next for Women in the Workforce? Examining Women’s Employment Trends in Colorado

September 28, 2023 • 13 min read

Unlike men, women’s labor force participation rate has surpassed pre-pandemic levels. However, the same problems with childcare, household responsibility inequities, and a Motherhood Penalty persist.

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Colorado Jobs and Labor Force Update – August 2023 Update

August 2023 Jobs and Labor Force Update

September 19, 2023 • 3 min read

Colorado’s total private employment increased by 9,100 jobs in the month of August after gaining only 100 jobs in July.

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