Colorado Faces Economic, Technological, and Even Geopolitical Barriers to Meeting Its Aggressive Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Goals

Colorado Faces Economic, Technological, and Even Geopolitical Barriers to Meeting Its Aggressive Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Goals

Governor Polis has declared that Colorado will rely on 100% renewable electricity by 2040, a goal that surpasses even that of President Biden, although achieving such targets will not come without economic and social cost. The challenge is significant, and, by most measurements, the state is behind in meeting its targets.

Colorado Jobs and Labor Force Update: January 2022

Colorado Jobs and Labor Force Update: January 2022

Colorado added 6,700 jobs in January and December jobs were revised upwards by 28,100. January non-farm employment rose to 2,813,500 which is just below that of January 2020’s 2,820,300. Though employment has nearly returned to the pre-pandemic level of January 2020, job growth needs to accelerate for employment to keep pace with population growth.