

Pundits say it every year: this is the most important election in our history. This year, it may be true. Join CSI Fellows for lively discussion about the issues driving the 2022 election. Moderated by Ed Sealover, Senior Reporter at the Denver Business Journal, the conversation will cover the upcoming ballot, crime, homelessness and education.

At each event, CSI highlights the most pressing issues Colorado is currently facing. This is an opportunity for CSI to share current research, as well as hear from dignitaries and the experts working on them. The purpose of this event is to inform lawmakers and Coloradans so that they can make informed decisions with fact-based research.

This quarter’s Eggs & the Economy featured an impressive lineup including:

Ed Sealover, Denver Business Journal Senior Reporter

Speakers include*:
Kristin Strohm, CSI President & CEO
Jason Gaulden, 2022 Education Fellow
Mitch Morrissey, 2022 Criminal Justice Fellow
Larry Yonker, CSI Homelessness Contributor
Peter LiFari, 2022 Housing Fellow
Chris Brown, VP of Policy & Research

Thanks to our generous Event Sponsor Amazon.